Pain Salve
Pain Salve
NEW! We now offer Pain Salve with added Stinging Nettle! Our Pain Salve alleviates inflammations, swellings, soreness and helps with skin irritations like psoriasis, eczema and insect bites but with added stinging nettle, there's a new level of skin nourishment for sensitive and stressed skin.
Scroll through the photos to see a photo of my aunt, Yvette, who made these salves from fresh dandelions and nettle that she grew here in GA 💛 These salves are unlike any Dandelion salve I've ever seen in my many years of herbalism. They are EXTRA potent and pigmented. She makes them STRONG!
Dandelions capture the warm, loving energy of the sun. We've all seen them, made wishes on them, and maybe even made medicine with the leaves, flowers or roots.
The oil made from the dandelion flower is known for its pain relieving qualities (anodyne) as well as it’s moisturizing (emollient) benefits.
Yvette has given this salve to her nursing patients, elderly loved ones, injured friends and even me! And wow, does it work like magic. You can instantly feel the pain dissolve away.
A quick internet search will tell you that: "Dandelion salve has a multitude of uses."
Support my Aunt and her newfound love for herbal healing by purchasing some Pain Salve for you or a loved one!
Helps Relieve
Helps Relieve
Pain! Sore Joints & Muscles – Due to dandelions anti-inflammatory properties, this salve eases the pain associated with overused joints & muscles. To use, rub & massage well into those sore areas.
Skin Relief – Eczema, psoriasis, or even dry, cracked skin from working in the soil, or being indoors in the heat during the winter months can all be easily treated by rubbing this healing salve into the affected areas.
Arthritis – The “Taraxasterol” or the anti-inflammatory component of the dandelion is what was shown to reduce the inflammation & pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis in this study. Rub this salve into joints, massaging well to create the heat needed to relieve them.
Acne – Dandelions diuretic & anti-inflammatory properties aid in spot treating acne and reducing potential scarring.
Ingredients: Wildcrafted Dandelion Flower, Pure Shea Butter, Beeswax, Organic Avocado Oil, Shungite Crystal (for cleansed energy & protection 💛)
Suggested Use
Suggested Use
Rub salve on problem area as much as you want! Enjoy the relief!
Please Note
Please Note
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding*
Bottled in amber glass for freshness and protection of the herbs. Our label is made with recycled paper and we ship in recycled and recyclable packaging.
This product is so amazing. My skin feels so so soft after I apply it and it has helped me so much when I have sore muscles. It's like an icy hot without the harmful chemicals. If I use it for acne I wake up with a BABY SOFT face. Veladya's products are always the best, it really does run in the family.
I was diagnosed with herniated disc and arthritis and have felt my back everyday for three years. This pain salve is the truth. It has helped so much. Decided after the second use to go ahead and order more.
I that give the description, all the information I need about before I purchase it.
This is amazing. My fibromyalgia pains are barely noticeable, been using daily. About to order more!
I find this products helps with my knee pain which has been a long time problem for me. The consistency of it was not what I expected, it was very loose in texture and I thought it would have been more firm, not sure if that's intentional. 🤔 Overall it helps as I get away from pain medication. I really like the reset herbs that I also ordered and will be soon ordering more.. Thank you for your care and help with making the world better.